There’s a lot more going on here at Fiddlehead Farm than just soap making. We are a small working farm, raising heritage sheep, chickens and a market vegetable garden.
We raise Cotswold sheep, a beautiful, heritage breed whose wool hangs down in long, lustrous crimped locks; as well as Shetland sheep, small in size, with clouds of soft wool in many different earthy colours. Our sheep produce market lamb and breeding stock, as well as incredible amounts of gorgeous wool, which gets sold raw or sent to our local mill to be washed and carded. It is then handspun into yarn (or sold as roving), some of it is dyed, and made into hats, socks, and carpets on the loom… Once it hits the studio the possibilities are endless!
Our chickens are the lovely Dorkings and the striking Chanteclars. Their eggs are coveted and sold seasonally, as are their chicks.
- Margaret, my older Shetland Ewe, considering doing a little spinning to expedite the process
- Cinnamon, a Shetland Sheep
- Chloe, a beautiful Cotswold Sheep
- A silver grey Dorking hen, wondering if my camera is edible
- The farm stand for market vegetables and eggs
- me herding carrots