About Ila

My soap making venture began about 12 years ago. I suffered from eczema and allergies, and I was finding it difficult to find soap that didn’t make me itch or sneeze. A soap making class changed all that. I started learning about essential oils and experimenting with my own recipes, and I was off to the races – no more trouble finding soap that was gentle on my skin and non-irritating!

I love the process of making soap: combining scent, colour, texture, and the soothing properties of so many natural ingredients. I have stopped making soap for months at a time when life has become too crazy, but it is a process I always return to, for my own needs or often at the request of family or devoted customers.

I have shared my love for beautiful soap with my family and friends, and my small business has grown steadily simply by word of mouth. Now I share it with you. Enjoy!

Okay. So here I am:

I’m in my studio, at the counter where I make soap, dye wool and sell stuff. I am a soap maker and a farmer. I am married to a woodworker named Heron, and we have two little kids:

Here they are “helping” at lambing time…